The Best Ways To Put Luxury Into Your Packaging

The Best Ways To Put Luxury Into Your Packaging

Designing for the Sensual World

It helps to go back to basics. We have five major senses; touch, sound, smell, taste, and sight. With most packaging, only one of these senses is truly satisfied.

Make It a Mission

Add Some Audible Weight

Give It a Heady Scent

Don’t Make It Tiresome

Be Sparing with Bright Colours

Let the Packaging Speak

Consider the Practical Details

This is why it’s imperative to consider environmental stressors and any other factors that might affect the condition of materials.

Humidity tends to be the biggest challenge. Moisture causes card to bend, satin to molder, and plastic to warp. Either create packaging that can withstand environmental pressures or spend more to protect it.

It’s common for designer brands to ship their products in smaller batches for more space and control. It’s up to you to decide if the cost is worthwhile.


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