Book Finishing solutions-Head-and-tail bands

Book Finishing solutions-Head-and-tail bands

Head-and-tail bands

Hard or flexi binding can be with or without head-and-tail bands. Content block should be at least 6mm wide for it to be possible to place head-and-tail band.

Ribbon markers

For hard cover or flexi binding ribbons can match head-and-tail bands or be in a different colour. Most often one marker, but possible two or more.


Please use lamination on all coated paper covers and jackets to protect the layer of paper coating from scratching and give your covers more durability. We always keep in stock glossmatt, silk and soft-touch laminate. Anti-scratch laminate or laminates with structure can be ordered on demand.
Please keep in mind that colours of a laminated sheet will slightly differ from just a printed sheet, ask your contact for more information if neccessary.

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